Virtually no one enjoys commuting to work in rush-hour traffic. Not only does it raise your stress level, it can make you late to work, which raises your stress level even more. Not to mention, stress and frustration affects your ability to be focused and ready to work when you do finally arrive.
If part of your job is to manage employees, keeping track of tardiness can feel like a daily annoyance that just doesn't have to be. While everyone has the occasional good excuse, some employees are just chronically late. Compound this by multiple employees and it can become a serious problem.
The bottom line? Traffic congestion can affect your company’s bottom line.
Complete our short form to gain access to download and share our free infographic 6 Tips for Controlling Your Commute.
While we can’t guarantee that weather, construction, accidents or heavy traffic won’t cause you or your employees to be late to work, we can offer a few smart tips to make being late a little less likely and the commute a little less stressful.