Commuter Chronicles

2017 Job Interview Questions Every Employer Should Ask

[fa icon="calendar"] 5/26/17


You’ve sifted through resumes, identified talent and brought them in for an interviewgreat! Now, with a series of questions, you have to identify who’d be the perfect fit for the position.

The best job interview questions to ask will tell you more about who the person is, not just what they’ve done; a good interview reveals their personality, skills and goals. But not all interview questions are made equal. And while some will elicit canned Googleable responses (such trendy industry buzzwords that make them sound like they know what they're talking about, when maybe they really don't), others will spark more personal, honest answers that reveal their characters.


Here are 3 of the 7 great job interview questions you should ask:


1. Describe a time something didn’t go as planned at work, or you faced a major obstacle. How did you deal with it?

This question lets you glean insight on how a candidate manages stress, pressure or workplace challenges.


2. What are the top 2 factors that you credit your successes to?

In the workplace, emotional intelligence (EI) can be just as, if not more important than, IQ. 

This particular EI question helps you gauge the selflessness (or selfishness) of your candidate. Do they attribute all successes to themselves, or another’s guidance?

Someone who gives themselves all the credit may not be the best team-player—something to note if the position requires a lot of teamwork. 


3. What kind of oversight would your ideal boss provide? 

Is your candidate self-driven, or do they require hands-on guidance? If the supervisor for that position is a micromanager, someone who prefers greater guidance would be more suitable for the position. Likewise, if the supervisor encourages self-initiative, somebody who’s more self-driven would be better suited. The last thing you’d want is to hire someone who, three weeks later, is still waiting on the supervisor to show them the ropes.

Click on the image below to download all 7 questions.
