Commuter Chronicles

Generation Z in the Workplace

[fa icon="calendar"] 6/28/17


Just when you think you’ve figured out the work styles of your Millennial employees, along comes a new generation of workers with a completely different set of values. As Baby Boomers retire and Gen Xers and Millennials (aka Gen Y) move up the corporate ladder, the next in line as the dominant workforce are members of Generation Z. In fact, by 2020, they’ll comprise 20% of the workforce. Gen Zers have different needs and preferences than their predecessors (of course!) and understanding their career goals and expectations will help you understand what makes this self-motivated group tick.

The good news for employers is that Generation Z characteristics include a strong work ethic, a willingness to pay their dues and work their way up from the bottom, and a pragmatism that favors financial security and job stability over gimmicks.

True digital natives who’ve been reared with smartphones and the Internet, they’ve got an entrepreneurial drive and a DIY attitude. Though the youngest generation, they are early adopters of technology. Employers will likely follow their lead in terms of technological innovation and would be wise to stand back and see what innovations Generation Z comes up with.

There are myriad ways Generation Z will transform the workplace. Millennial, Gen X and Boomers in leadership or mentoring positions will have to manage them in a new style.

To find out more about how to relate to, recruit and retain these
high-achieving members of Generation Z, download our report.

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