July 14, 2016
Commuting would be soooooo much easier if we could just strap on a personal jetpack and fly right over all the traffic. It could combat that problem of chronic tardiness (although the downside would be helmet hair).
July 1, 2016
Tired of playing time cop? 13% of employees report being late to work at least once a week. Maybe it’s just a habitual offenders who are the problem, but chronic tardiness can be a drain on employee productivity and a company’s bottom line. While the unpredictable can happen (rescued a kitten, flushed your keys, smashed your finger), there are some late-for-work excuses that show up time after time.
It should be no surprise that rush hour traffic is the #1 excuse for being late. A 2015 survey of over 2,500 hiring and human resource managers conducted by on behalf of CareerBuilder found that traffic was blamed for 53% of the excuses.
June 2, 2016
How many times does an employee come in late to work, blaming the traffic? Chances are good that it’s a valid excuse. While the DFW Metroplex has creeped its way down the “worst commutes in North America list,” it still has challenges when it comes to commuting. A growth in population, compounded with never-ending roadway construction, makes delays the norm, not the exception.